Trial and Error Art
Formulary (Imaginary Love Songs #3)
Part 3 Of the Imaginary Love Songs Trilogy features:
HOT HOT HOT pink text on off white paper, recounting the beginnings of a messy, queer love story.
Text Reads:
The first time we kissed was on our third second date. You hypothesized “I think I can only have sex when I’m in love,” And I estimated I was just thirsty lonely enough to take up the challenge. You growl humid breath into my neck most nights now, and even though we were making love barebacking by our fourth date, I knew it would take you a while to say the words out loud.
You are a lot less straight than you think you seem, and I’m just barely a woman anymore. We rub at each other’s scars with zealous horniness, leaving snarls of hair and saliva and laughter on the sheets. I like to rub my cheeks on your beard and tug your chest hair with one hand, your dick with the other. I like jerking off while you’re sinking towards sleep. I like taking your confessions.
I’m not saying that I believe in magic spells. I’m saying that I took five drops of this carnelian infused brew that I bought from a tiny gap toothed witch who runs an apothecary out of her kitchen in Northampton, Massachusetts on the night we met. I dosed before each of our next three five seven eleven thirteen encounters just to make sure. I got you to try it by insisting that I only take the mixture because it’s sweet and reminds me of my dead gay relatives, which is true, but also that’s all a love potion is. Now you’ve got a taste for pink confections that you can’t explain. Now I’ve got a taste for your sweat that I can’t explain.
Now I’ve got you. Now you’ve got me.